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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


The school aims to create a purposeful and aspirational attitude to learning through the wearing of a smart school uniform.

The full correct uniform must be worn on the journey to and from school.

School uniform is only available to purchase from Ellis Scott Schoolwear, 24 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0AN 
Telephone: 01737 243825  Email: Website: Ellis Scott Schoolwear

Items marked with * are available only from the school outfitters, Ellis Scott Schoolwear, and can be purchased by telephone order 01737 243825, in person or online

All property should be clearly marked with your child’s name. 

Please see the attached document for further information on uniform and equipment expectations 


Black pleated kilt style skirt with
coloured piping that reflects the House colour OR


Plain black tailored trousers


The skirt or tailored trousers are compulsory for all students in Year 7 to Year 11



Black V-necked sweater (optional)


Compulsory black blazer with breast pocket and Oxted School badge* and year flash* sewn or embroidered on to blazer


Plain white blouse or shirt




House tie*



White or black short socks, or plain opaque black tights


Plain black flat dress shoes in leather or similar. No boots or canvas shoes




A plain dark coloured topcoat for
wearing outdoors but no hoody

The skirt must be purchased from the school supplier.  It must be worn to knee length with the bottom of the skirt sitting on the kneecap


The school does not permit the wearing of black jeans or black chinos 
Leggings, black jeans, stirrup pants or linen trousers are not permitted


V-necked sweaters are optional


Blazers are compulsory for all students and must be worn at all times including the journey to and from school


The top button of blouses or shirts must be
fastened at all times and must be tucked into the skirt or trousers


The tie must be fastened so that it sits against the top button of the blouse or shirt




Shoes must be plain black leather dress shoes.  The school does not permit trainers of any description. The school does not permit canvas, patent or sling back shoes or boots of any kind


Outdoor coats must be in a dark colour (black, brown or navy blue).  Coats, scarves and gloves must be removed inside the school buildings.  Hooded tops, leather or denim jackets are not permitted and if worn will be confiscated.  This also applies to baseball caps


Students arriving to school wearing incorrect uniform will be given alternative uniform to wear unless there is a medical reason validated by a medical professional


Physical Education Uniform

All items available from Ellis Scott Schoolwear

White Oxted School Polo Shirt

Plus any one of the items below:

Black/red Oxted shorts or
Black/red Oxted skort or
Black Oxted tracksuit bottoms or
Black Oxted leggings or
Plain black tracksuit bottoms or
Plain black leggings or
Plain black shorts or
Plain black skort


Laced training shoes



Black/white GCSE/BTEC Shirt (KS4 only)
Black/red Oxted School Hoody (no other hoody allowed)
Black sports jacket (no fashion jackets)
Football/rugby boots
Gumshield for hockey and rugby
Shin pads for football and hockey




Only one pair of small stud earrings (not diamond or coloured plastic) is permitted.  Earrings may only be worn in the earlobe, not at the top of the ear

Students will be asked to remove earrings that are not small studs or that are not in the ear lobe

For health and safety reasons no other  body piercing is permitted

Students will be asked to remove studs and bars from piercings

Students can wear a wrist watch if they wish

The wearing of rings, bracelets and necklaces is not permitted.  These will be confiscated if worn

Hair must be of a reasonable length and one natural colour

Long hair must be tied back for certain workshop / drama / laboratory / PE activities. Beads are not permitted. 

Extremes of fashion in hairstyles are not suitable for school.  Very short (number 1 or 2) cut or shaven hair is not acceptable in school. Students must not have motifs etc. shaven into their hair. Where students do not follow the rules for hair length/colour/motifs they will be isolated 

Lipstick, eye make-up and/or false eyelashes are not permitted

Coloured nail varnish, acrylic or gel nails are not permitted

Students will be told to remove make up and nail varnish


  • All jewellery must be removed for all PE lessons 
  • Taping is not permitted
  • If students cannot participate in PE, they are expected to bring a note and their coaching kit (PE kit) so they can take on a different role.  If they do not have coaching kit, then the PE sanction for no kit will apply




Mobile phones and headphones should not be seen in school they should be kept in the student’s bag

If students use a mobile phone without permission the phone will be confiscated and sanctions issued

iPod / iTouch etc should not be brought in to school

If students use an iPod without permission then these will be confiscated and sanctions issued


  • Persistent use of mobile phones will require a parent to collect the phone and meet with the Year Team to resolve the issue