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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust



The nature of art lends itself to engage in a wide range of Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social studies.

In each year group students will analyse, interpret, engage with and question their own and others work. They will identify how cultural, moral, political and social beliefs and values are expressed though art. Students are encouraged to explore their environment, beliefs and ideas through their art, which is supported by strong research into the wider world around them. This is reinforced by trips and outings to museums and galleries that are strongly linked to projects and to reinforce their understanding of their work.

Year 7



Formal Elements
and Still Life

This includes looking at Van Gogh and Cezanne’s work, interpreting how these artists expressed themselves through their art work. Students learn about the ethos of Impressionism and how art is a source of expressing personal ideas and intentions

Year 7 is about building students confidence in their ability and ensuring each student can progress and improve. They are encouraged to express opinions and give critique which intern shows progression to enhance self-worth. All outcomes are encouraged to show individuality that is purposeful and meaningful

Year 8



Story Telling

Student look at how art tells a story and how it can portray SMSC beliefs with its narrative

Students depict a poem with visual images and interpret artists work to develop their own ideas. They learn to understand how they can develop work through their own ideas and interpretations

Outcomes that are individual and meaningful are celebrated

Students are encourage to discus and give and receive positive criticism in order to inform ideas and decisions about their work

Mask Making

Students research many cultural, social and religious influences behind mask design and learn to understand how different cultures express and celebrate their ideologies within design that reflects their way of life. Students then interpret this into their own design and 3D work learning to analyse and justify meaning and purposefulness of design. Cultural awareness and aspects of SMSC is explored within this scheme. Students are encouraged to explore their own ideas and meaning in order to promote cultural identity

Work is displayed throughout the school to promote self-worth and contributes the community of the school

Year 9

Drawing Workshops

Students are encourage to practise and apply drawing skills to build confidence and self- belief in their ability to progress and achieve. All students are given a starting point that they can build upon and feel a sense of achievement. We concentrate on building confidence through developing skill sets which are revisited each year

Pop Art Project

Student analyse and interpret popular culture throughout their artwork and learn to understand how to reflect their own lives and ideas into their work. They question moral and sociological question of modern life and analyse how current art reflects modern culture

Throughout the course students are encouraged to look at work that will often pose a moral question. The student’s outcomes are supported with a rationale or a meaning that will often convey a message. Student discuss a range of artists and art work, encouraging and developing communication skills

Work is displayed around the school to develop a sense of pride in their environment


Schemes of work in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 are designed to promote individual thinking, resilience and self-worth.

All outcomes are encouraged to show individuality that is purposeful and meaningful. Students are encouraged to explore their own ideas and meaning in order to promote self-identity. Independent reflections on own work through self-evaluations.

All students are taught to understand and read an art work in order to relate to a concept or idea that conveys a meaning. Students are taught the importance of independence and perseverance to see an idea through, developing and refining art work as it progresses. We use group critique to aide progress and encourage positive discussion. Students learn to debate and interpret artwork and understanding hidden meaning and context. We promote the ideas of looking for deeper meaning within artwork and using this understanding to develop students own ideas and intentions.

Artwork is displayed in exhibitions to develop a sense of pride and community.


Promoting art in the school, community and independent learning.

  • Art Work for the School Show
  • Displays and Exhibitions
  • Christmas Card Competition
  • HLP Art Club Year 8 and Year 9
  • Year 7 Art Club
  • GCSE After School Sessions
  • Sixth Form Art Studio Space
  • Gallery Trips
  • Field Trips
  • End of Year Public Art Exhibition